
ShearShare membership has its benefits!

Whether you came to this page from a Google search, our social media, or Craigslist, we’re here to help you reap all the benefits the ShearShare app has for you!

Schedule a free 15-minute or 30-minute demonstration with our onboarding specialists and learn how ShearShare can help your salon, spa or barbershop generate additional revenue in the first 90 days. Our team of specialists will walk you through the account creation process, show you best practices to get your private suite or station noticed, and answer any questions you may have about the ShearShare host experience. 

Choose your free 1-on-1 demo, or scroll down to join one of our monthly meetups. Market your empty space AND get to know other hosts and professionals from the ShearShare community! or 30-minut

Schedule a complimentary demo with a ShearShare onboarding specialist
