smithsonian african american museum

Black History Month + ShearShare: Join Us for a Special Tour of the Smithsonian’s African American Artists and Selected Works Collection

Did you know that the Smithsonian American Art Museum is home to one of the most significant collections of art by African American artists in the world, with more than 2,000 works by more than 200 African American artists?

Join ShearShare on Wednesday, February 22, from 4-5pm EST, for a special virtual tour as we explore a selection of self-portraits and other works by Black artists in the Smithsonian’s collections. Visual Art and the American Experience, at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture, illustrates the critical role American artists of African descent have played in shaping the history of American art.

Visual Art and the American Experience is the only permanent art exhibition on the Smithsonian Mall dedicated to illustrating the critical role American artists of African descent played in shaping the history of American art. 

The exhibition contains various modes of fine art production, including painting, sculpture, work(s) on paper, art installations, mixed media, photography, and digital media.

Exhibition Themes

      • The World Around Us

      • The Politics of Identity

      • The Struggle for Freedom

      • African Connections

      • Religion and Spirituality

      • The Beauty of Color and Form

      • New Materials, New Worlds
      • Changing Art Gallery

    To save your seat on February 22, RSVP to jazmin@shearshare.com. #wheneverwherever

    smithsonian national museum of african american artists